The Performer Father - Striving to be Recognized

The Performer Father - Striving to be Recognized

The Performer’s need to be recognized is met by playing with his children. They are his audience and he works hard to make sure they delight in the activities he makes up for them or takes them to. He also goes out of his way to help his children recognize their talents and provides opportunities for them to cultivate their gifts. Disliking routine, he is always ready to drop what he's doing for an outing or new experience.

Just in time for Father’s Day!

At His Best: The Performer’s need to be recognized is met by playing with his children. They are his audience and he works hard to make sure they delight in the activities he makes up for them or takes them to. He also goes out of his way to help his children recognize their talents and provides opportunities for them to cultivate their gifts. Disliking routine, he is always ready to drop what he’s doing for an outing or new experience. He encourages individuality and gives his children space to develop self-sufficiency and confidence, letting them do their own thing and refraining from pigeon-holing them. He wants to feel pride in his children and will brag to other parents about his kid’s accomplishments, despite how minor they may be. He makes their lives magical with his charm and joy for life.

Potential Pitfalls: The Performer Dad has difficulty when his kids don’t match his energy and enthusiasm for his interests. Optimistic and upbeat, he can be horrified when his child is emotionally needy or clingy. He has a hard time doing homework with his kids if it is a subject that he doesn’t enjoy. Impatient with details and schedules, he struggles to attend to mundane chores, preferring instead to play with his children. He will disappear into work if there is too much to deal with, leaving the children and the home care to his wife. This creates further conflict as he has to deal with the consequences of abandoning the family. He can find it difficult to be objective, decisive, and firm-minded, when appropriate and he is often indulgent and inconsistent with rules and structure.

Tips for Performer Fathers: The Performer Dad needs to learn to bear the frustration he feels when he has to enforce his children’s routines so that his avoidance of them does not cause problems. He has the potential to be an absentee father because of his dislike of anything that doesn’t offer excitement or enjoyment. He needs to understand the impact his impulsive nature can have on children who need routine and stability. When dealing with tasks, he works best in spurts so he needs to recognize this so that he can mix work with time in between to take a short catnap, get some physical exercise, or play with the kids for awhile. He will also benefit from recognizing when he is withdrawing and get help from a trusted friend or spouse to pull him back.

Father’s Day with the Performer Dad: Get ready to set the stage for the Performer Dad to get recognition for being the best dad ever! Plan in advance for things for the kids to recognize him for and ways of letting him know how special he is. Anything that says “World’s Greatest Dad” on it will be a winner. This Dad loves to feel proud and basks in the limelight. He will enjoy being taken out to celebrate, but be sure the children are on their best behaviour. Gifts for things to do with the kids have to be things he will enjoy, so make sure he wants to see the movie or ball game before buying it. And unless the children know his taste in clothes, don’t let them buy anything because he has discriminating taste.


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