Striving Styles

Striving Styles

The Striving Styles Personality System is a revolutionary approach to helping you to achieve your potential. It is a neuro-psychological framework that lets you understand the built-in, predominant needs which must be met in each of us so that we can grow and develop into the person we are meant to be.

The SSPS is based on the assertion that each of us is born with a predominant need and pattern of energy (Striving Style) that determines how we will behave in order to get that need met.

The theories and authors incorporated into the creation of the Striving Styles Personality System all shed light on the mechanics of the mind and what we can do to help us achieve our potential as human beings. If we understand the brain, particularly our own brain, we can direct and influence how it functions and how we feel.

The Striving Styles Personality System provides individuals and practitioners alike with a way to easily understand and leverage brain functioning. It provides people with the specific tools to re-cast their motivations and re-pattern their brains, and to consciously influence how they behave in order to live happy, successful and fulfilled lives. The SSPS helps people to stop adapting, and it allows them to begin to pursue their own path to becoming who they are meant to be.

Achieving Your Potential

Ever wondered what motivates you to do the things you do in life? Why you behave in a particular way in situations? Why you act the way you do in relationships? Or most importantly, what you can do about it?

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Theory & Models Behind the SSPS

The theories and authors' work incorporated into the creation of the Striving Styles Personality System all shed light on the mechanics of the mind, and they show us what we can do to help ourselves to achieve our potential as human beings.

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Roadmap for Development

Development doesn’t happen from reading a report, doing a workshop or knowing what you have to do. It happens when you know where you are, where you want to be, what is getting in your way and what to do about it.

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Case Studies

Watch testimonials from a wide range of individuals using the Striving Styles to find happiness and satisfaction in their lives as well as to pursue their dreams in order to achieve their potential.

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I am excited to share that our book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on…
12 years 24 weeks ago -
I am excited to share that my book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on …
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Striving Styles Newsletter October 2012 via #constantcontact
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Bridging the Rational- Emotional Gap by @AnneDranitsaris on @slideshare
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Using the Striving Styles can improve your relationships.
12 years 25 weeks ago -