Increase satisfaction with all aspects of your life - at work, home & school - today! Negotiate to get your built-in needs met so you can self-actualize.
Applications > Relationships
Your Striving Style determines your approach to bonding and relating to others. It also determines the amount of energy you will put into your relationships; your tolerance for intimacy; how much time you are able to be with others; and how much time you need alone.
We all want to know how we can enhance our relationships and develop a loving relationship with others and ourselves. Although our intention is to do this, too often we create relationships that are more like the relationship we had with our mother or father, and less about what we actually want to create. We don’t realize that our brains have created patterns for relating during our formative years that are now causing us to stay stuck in dysfunctional relationships.
Tired of Dissatisfying Relationships?
The primary cause of relationship dissatisfaction is frustrated needs. Dysfunctional behavior, power struggles, emotional acting out are all a result of predominant needs not being met. We expect to and believe we know how to have a loving relationship without any training. We don’t learn how to negotiate to get our needs met. Most people don’t even know what they need. They just believe their partner should meet their needs without having to ask.
Don’t Leave Getting Your Needs Met to Chance
Knowing what you need in a relationship shifts you from blaming others and teaches you how to negotiate to get your needs met. The Striving Styles Personality System shows you what your predominant need is and how you go about trying to get that need met in relationships. Being conscious of your predominant need helps you manage your own behavior when it’s not being met and gives you the power to do something about it. It shows you what part of your brain you are forming relationships with and how you can develop the skills and capacity for intimacy, negotiation and conflict management using the SSPS Developmental Framework.
Stop recreating the same dysfunctional relationships. See how the Striving Styles Personality System can help!
I didn't realize that I was running my relationship like my business until I did the Striving Styles. I now see how my need to be in control gets in the way of intimacy."
Sam (Leader)