Increase satisfaction with all aspects of your life - at work, home & school - today! Negotiate to get your built-in needs met so you can self-actualize.
Your Striving Style determines your approach to bonding and relating to others. It also determines the amount of energy you will put into your relationships; your tolerance for intimacy; how much time you are able to be with others; and how much time you need alone.
We all want to know how we can enhance our relationships and develop a loving relationship with others and ourselves. Although our intention is to do this, too often we create relationships that are more like the relationship we had with our mother or father, and less about what we actually want to create. We don’t realize that our brains have created patterns for relating during our formative years that are now causing us to stay stuck in dysfunctional relationships.
Tired of Dissatisfying Relationships?
Don’t Leave Getting Your Needs Met to Chance
Stop recreating the same dysfunctional relationships. See how the Striving Styles Personality System can help!

Sadly, many people go through life without experiencing joy in relationships because they are being self-protective. Find out how the Striving Styles can help you get your needs met in relationships. LEARN MORE...»

We look to our relationships to get our needs met. But what if we don't know what they are? LEARN MORE...»
Before, I would only join conversations where I could be the expert. This was getting in the way of my relationships. Now, I focus on getting my other needs met as well."