

Tired of self-help or developmental programs that don't work? The Striving Styles Personality System is a powerful way to immediately improve the quality of, and satisfaction with, your work, your relationships and your life. No more leaving your personal and professional growth to chance. Use the SSPS to put yourself in the driver's seat in all areas of your life today.

This versatile system is easy enough for a 10-year-old to understand, yet profound enough to be used in Coaching, Consulting, Parenting, Teaching and Psychotherapy.

With the Striving Styles, you can have the understanding and the specific roadmap based on your own brain's organization, to create the career, relationships and/or family dynamics you want to have. Learn to re-shape your brain's neural pathways so you can stop living on autopilot and repeating the instinctual patterns of behavior that get in the way of your satisfaction and happiness. Explore the benefits of the Striving Styles Personality System in all its applications, in your life, in your organization and with your clients.

Personal Growth

We know development is not 'one-size-fits-all'. Finally a “user manual” for you with step-by-step instructions on how to stop getting in your own way based on your own brain's organization!

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Your Striving Style determines your approach to bonding and relating to others. It also determines the amount of energy you will put into your relationships; your tolerance for intimacy; how much time you are able to be with others; and how much time you need alone.

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Considering the amount of time we spend at work, making sure that we chose the right job or career is critical to our happiness and sense of personal fulfillment. The Striving Styles Personality System can help you do just that.

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Parenting & Child Development

In order for a child to grow and develop, their predominant, inborn needs must be met. However, for the most part, children are raised without an understanding of their own psychology, which limits their parent’s ability to serve their developmental needs. The Striving Styles Personality System helps parents to know what their children’s needs are and what their emotionally-driven behavior is saying.

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It's not just business; it's personal! We often think employee behavior should be rational and logical, just because they're at work. Developing employees, teams, and leaders requires a humanistic, needs-based approach that focuses on harnessing their emotions, rather than controlling them, so they can maximize their potential.

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Despite everything we know about learning, students still struggle to achieve their potential and teachers experience high levels of frustration. It’s easy to blame the teacher, school system, or even the student. Children with learning or behavioral difficulties are at an even greater disadvantage in the classroom. It doesn't have to be like this.

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I am excited to share that our book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on…
12 years 24 weeks ago -
I am excited to share that my book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on …
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Striving Styles Newsletter October 2012 via #constantcontact
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Bridging the Rational- Emotional Gap by @AnneDranitsaris on @slideshare
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Using the Striving Styles can improve your relationships.
12 years 25 weeks ago -