Increase satisfaction with all aspects of your life - at work, home & school - today! Negotiate to get your built-in needs met so you can self-actualize.
It's not just business; it's personal! We often think employee behavior should be rational and logical, just because they're at work. Developing employees, teams, and leaders requires a humanistic, needs-based approach that focuses on harnessing their emotions, rather than controlling them, so they can maximize their potential.
The Striving Styles Personality System is a versatile and powerful tool that is of enormous benefit to human resource professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders, teams and employees alike. It quickly alleviates dysfunctions that often emerge on teams and in relationships at work. It expedites the development of individuals at all levels, shifting their behavior to align with the requirements of the organization and their role.
Unlike other personality assessments, the SSPS uses archetypes to represent each need which makes it highly useful for improving communication, team and interpersonal relations. It gets people to be fully engaged in what they do and who they do it with because they are meeting their predominant need.
Dynamic, Systemic Approach to Organizational Effectiveness
The Striving Styles Personality System helps leaders understand how personal dynamics can negatively impact interpersonal, team and organizational effectiveness. Rather than simply providing symptomatic relief, the SSPS provides insight into the actual issues and barriers to individual and organizational growth. It helps understand how dynamics can misalign and reduce the effectiveness of organizational systems, and lead to reduced performance. Most importantly, it provides a clear roadmap for change.
Leverage Employee Motivation
Maximize Leader, Team and Employee Potential
Stop being at the mercy of unconscious impulses, emotions and habits of mind that get in the way of achieving individual, team and organizational potential. Learn about the powerful, innate needs that drive behavior and how to meet those needs in order for leaders, teams and employees to develop. The Striving Styles Personality System provides you with a clear picture for selecting, developing and engaging leaders and employees.
Achieve Your Entrepreneurial Potential
Learn more about how you can use the Striving Styles Personality System in your role or in your organization today! Our leadership and workstyle reports and webinars support you to achieve higher levels of performance.

Can't understand your employees' behavior? Working harder than they are to motivate them? Find out how the SSPS can help. LEARN MORE...>

Are your employees not responding to your leadership style? Find out why not and what you can do about it. LEARN MORE...>

Is your team not taking their goals seriously? Not able to focus their creativity? The SSPS helps align behavior with desired outcomes. LEARN MORE...>