Stop being at the mercy of your unconscious impulses, emotions and habits of mind. Understand the innate needs that drive your behaviour.
MBTI Book Series on Amazon
MBTI Book Series on Amazon
We are bridging the gap between the Striving Styles Personality System and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator with our Maximizing Your Potential Book Series.
Maximizing Your Potential: Brain-based Books for Each Style. Deepen your understanding of your Personality Type/Striving Style with our series of books. The information in each series of books provides powerful insight into how each of the types behaves and gets their emotional needs met. You will learn the unique ways in which your Personality Type/Striving Style gets its predominant need met in the various situations and the need dissatisfiers that get in the way of fulfilling your potential. It will help you to understand the elements of work, career, relationships and life that are most intrinsically satisfying versus those that are more likely to frustrate your predominant need and are therefore dissatisfying for you. With this information, you can make choices that are most likely to support you achieving your potential.
Leadership Style Report![]()
Also available in DIGITAL FORMAT ($18.00) |
Work Style Report![]()
Also available in DIGITAL FORMAT ($18.00) |
Maximizing Leadership Potential![]()
Maximizing Employee Potential Report![]()
Maximizing Career Potential![]()
Also available in DIGITAL FORMAT ($18.00) |
SSPS Behavioral Interview Guide![]()
Also available in DIGITAL FORMAT ($37.50) |
My need to be in control was fostering dependency in my daughter. Now, I let her help out and give her more responsibility. No more power struggles!"