Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Drawing on decades of expertise with clients as well as our own life experiences as spouses, parents, friends and siblings, we strive to bring hope, optimism and well-being to the world. Our core purpose is to give people all the tools and support they need to stop surviving and start striving.

We know that our success as a company begins with us as individuals. Because of this, we use the SSPS in our own lives; with ourselves, our families and our friends. Achieving our own potential is a way of life for each of us. We take a disciplined approach to our own development and that of our business. We continuously strive toward being our best and having that reflect in our work and work environment. Our primary mission is to live the best lives we can and to show others how they can do the same.

The Pursuit of Pleasure

We teach people how to live their lives in the pursuit of happiness. All of our products, services and webinars are created to show others how to live life in the pursuit of their own potential. With an individualized roadmap to guide them every step of the way, people can avoid the pitfalls and ruts that most tend to fall into. This allows them to live a much higher quality of life than they ever could without us.  

Our Commitment

A commitment to continuous evolution is our operating philosophy. We strive to create a culture that operates in the pursuit of its own potential and this commitment shows itself in every product, service, and webinar that we offer. It ensures the highest quality in every aspect of what we do. We are driven to make our offerings the best they can possibly be. We do it for ourselves, for our clients, for our community and for our family.

Let us help you to become who you are meant to be.



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We believe that the road to self-actualization is different for everyone and created a system to meet each individual's needs. LEARN MORE... »

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From our family to yours. We welcome the opportunity to help you.

I am excited to share that our book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on…
12 years 24 weeks ago -
I am excited to share that my book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on …
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Striving Styles Newsletter October 2012 http://t.co/76xbzx2o via #constantcontact
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Bridging the Rational- Emotional Gap by @AnneDranitsaris on @slideshare http://t.co/cbtC1tdi
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Using the Striving Styles can improve your relationships. https://t.co/kbVPqpgh
12 years 25 weeks ago -