Training & Services

Training & Services

If you have already completed the SSPS Level I Assessment, then your Report has given you a taste of your Striving Style and the other members of your Striving Style Squad. But don't stop there. To deepen your understanding of your Striving Style, you need to learn about your Self-Actualizing and Self-Protective behaviors, the needs and behaviors of your Associate Styles, as well as development strategies to support your capacity for self-awareness and self-care.

Taking the Striving Styles Assessment is only the first step towards becoming who you are meant to be. Our Webinars, Interpretation Sessions and Licensed Practitioners offer you deeper understanding and specific strategies for your development.

Our training and services give you what you need to change your brain from emotionally-driven automatic behaviors that get in the way of self-actualizing and achieving your potential. We offer you everything you need to create new patterns of behaviour and new pathways in the brain. 

E-Learning Modules

Take our webinars to learn, step-by-step, how to change your brain from emotionally-driven automatic behaviors and to create new patterns of behavior in order to self-actualize. Learn more about your Striving Style and how to leverage your Striving Style Squad to achieve your potential.

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Interpretation Sessions

Gain insight into your Striving Style with an Individual Interpretation Session with a SSPS Practitioner. Awareness of your predominant need and an understanding of how you behave when it is not being met, are the keys to making different behavioral choices and changes in your life.

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Organizational & Leadership Development Services

Eliminate dysfunction and break longstanding patterns of behavior that get in the way of individual, team, leadership and organizational development. Access our behavioral change expertise and leverage the power of the Striving Styles to take your business to the next level.

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Become an SSPS Practitioner

The Striving Styles Personality System raises the bar for current approaches to development because of its multi-disciplinary approach. It shows you how your brain governs the behavior of your personality, determines what your predominant psychological need is, and includes a clear roadmap for emotional, relationship and career development.

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Speaking & Workshops

“As leaders of the field of personality and emotional development, Heather and Anne are a 'must have' for a keynote or conference speaker. Anyone wanting to learn how to alleviate self-destructive patterns of behavior and develop their full capacity will benefit.”

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Find a SSPS Practitioner Near You

We need interactions with others to change the way our brain functions. Healthy relationships help us to reshape our brain’s neural pathways and to re-wire dysfunctional patterns caused by the wounds of childhood. A Striving Styles Practitioner can facilitate your development and the changing of your relationship patterns.

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I am excited to share that our book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on…
12 years 13 weeks ago -
I am excited to share that my book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on …
12 years 13 weeks ago -
Striving Styles Newsletter October 2012 via #constantcontact
12 years 14 weeks ago -
Bridging the Rational- Emotional Gap by @AnneDranitsaris on @slideshare
12 years 14 weeks ago -
Using the Striving Styles can improve your relationships.
12 years 14 weeks ago -