Ever wished you came with a user manual? We did. So we set out to create one. The Striving Styles® Personality System is the first user manual for people!
Roadmap for Development
Roadmap for Development
Development doesn’t happen from reading a report, doing a workshop or knowing what you have to do. It happens when you know where you are, where you want to be, what is getting in your way and what to do about it.
Just because we age, doesn’t mean we mature. We often find ourselves as adults behaving in ways that we learned when we were children as we attempt to get our needs met in our relationships with others. These habitual responses don’t work any better now than they did then, but we keep doing them anyway.
The SSPS Roadmap for Development lets you chart your course by first helping you to understand how your brain is organized and what part of your brain needs to develop. It allows you to chose the activities and experiences you must have in order to change your brain and in what areas of your life development must happen. It also enables you to zero in on certain relationship behaviors that keep you dissatisfied.
Are You Surviving or Thriving?
Start from Where You Are
Take the assessment today and accelerate your development with the SSPS! Our reports and webinars support you to keep you moving and on track.

The Developmental Framework shows you how to develop and to achieve your potential. LEARN MORE... »

Don't keep struggling to find your way. Take the SSPS Developmental Framework Webinar. LEARN MORE... »
I can't believe how often I created stories about what people thought and felt about me instead of actually talking to them. I am now free to have real relationships!"