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Personal Growth
Personal Growth
We know development is not 'one-size-fits-all'. Finally a “user manual” for you with step-by-step instructions on how to stop getting in your own way based on your own brain's organization!
Most people believe that personal development is the same for everyone and look for guidance in popular books, videos or seminars. We try things that sound good or that have been promoted well, but don’t really do anything to help us to break recurring patterns of behavior. Because of this, much of our development is trial and error. When something doesn’t work, we move on to something else. It’s a wonder we are able to develop at all using this approach.
Knowing your Striving Style eliminates the guess work around major life choices, and enables you to make choices that will satisfy your predominant need. This includes choices around education, career, relationship and family. It can save you from repeating unconscious patterns of dysfunctional behavior or making relationship choices that are not ultimately satisfying.
Put Yourself in the Driver’s Seat
The SSPS helps you to chart a course for your development and identifies the activities and experiences that will leverage your whole brain’s capacity. Understanding your predominant need gives you the key to achieving your potential and recognizing when you are getting in your own way. When you understand your nature and needs, it makes it easier for you to consciously guide your own behavior, and moves you in the direction in life that is most beneficial to you.
The Striving Styles Personality System provides a roadmap for becoming who you are meant to be. It gives you a diagram of how your brain is organized; it tells you what needs you must meet in order to feel psychologically secure and confident; and it gives you the building blocks for emotional development.
Learn more about how you can use the SSPS to accelerate your development today! Our reports and webinars support you to keep you moving and on track.

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Who are you meant to be? Start on your roadmap for development today. LEARN MORE...>
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