Parenting & Child Development

Parenting & Child Development

In order for a child to grow and develop, their predominant, inborn needs must be met. However, for the most part, children are raised without an understanding of their own psychology, which limits their parent’s ability to serve their developmental needs. The Striving Styles Personality System helps parents to know what their children’s needs are and what their emotionally-driven behavior is saying.

Parenting is one of toughest and most important roles an individual will ever play.  Unfortunately, most people wait until they have children before they realize that there is more to raising a secure and confident child than feeding and clothing them.

Attending to the physical needs is simply not enough to help a child bond securely, to mature emotionally, or to become who they are meant to be. In fact, people are often so anxious about being “good” parents, rather than being effective parents, that they are oblivious to what their children actually need. As recent findings in child development show us that at the heart of parenting lies the need to attune to a child’s needs, interpret their emotions, and guide their emergence into adulthood as their authentic self.

Helping Children to be Confident and Strong

The best time to start teaching children about themselves – to understand how their brain is wired; what their predominant need is; how they learn, and; what they need in order to feel secure – is in childhood. A child’s self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-esteem are a direct result of being accepted for who they are and being able to get their needs met, especially by their parents. Patterns of relating and habits of mind that are established in childhood are the basis for their adult behavior and are ultimately used for their benefit or to their detriment.

However, it’s difficult to teach children about their needs and personality if we don’t know what to look for. We can end up supporting the wrong behaviors and pushing them in the wrong direction. Many people end up using their own parents’ parenting style instead of becoming conscious of what their children need and making sure they are in situations and with people who can help them meet these needs. Fortunately, the Striving Styles provides practitioners and parents with a roadmap for knowing the mechanics of a child’s mind so that we can teach children about their needs.

Put Your Children in the Driver's Seat

The SSPS includes a children’s assessment and resources that have been specially crafted to speak to them in terms that they understand, and in language that is meaningful for them. Through the use of the system, you can work with parents to provide an understanding of their children’s emotional needs, as well as their learning needs. With the limits and burdens of our current educational systems, the SSPS will provide insight into the actions parents can take to proactively address or prevent learning challenges, to ensure their children’s educational and learning needs are being met, and to drastically reduce the likelihood of their children “falling through the cracks” by educational systems that fail to meet their children’s needs.

Start today! Our resources on parenting and child development expedite the process.

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Who are they meant to be? Get your children on the path to meeting their own needs in life. Have them take the SSPS Children's Assessment. LEARN MORE.....>

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Build your children's confidence, flexibility and resilience. LEARN MORE.....>

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Not sure how to engage your children in life? Tired of hearing them tell you they're bored? Find out what they need to get engaged. LEARN MORE.....>

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Do you feel you are fighting a losing battle with your children? Find out about your parenting style and get back in charge. LEARN MORE.....>

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