Ever wished you came with a user manual? We did. So we set out to create one. The Striving Styles® Personality System is the first user manual for people!
Achieving Your Potential
Achieving Your Potential
Ever wondered what motivates you to do the things you do in life? Why you behave in a particular way in situations? Why you act the way you do in relationships? Or most importantly, what you can do about it?
Achieving your potential means becoming all that you are capable of being – to fully self-actualize. It starts with the awareness of what your predominant need is and how you pursue getting that need met in your life. It starts with knowing your Striving Style and understanding who you are meant to be.
Shouldn't I Already Know?
Fast-Track Your Development!
Often we don’t realize that we are failing to meet our potential until we have a life crisis. “I should have gone back to school”, “I don’t know why it took me so long to leave that man” or “I should have tried harder to get that promotion” are common statements from people who realize they have fallen behind in the journey toward their potential.
Don’t wait another minute! Take the SSPS assessment and use the SSPS to chart your course for becoming who you are meant to be.

Are you Striving or merely Surviving? Don't leave achieving your potential to chance. LEARN MORE... »

HARNESS THE POWER OF YOUR EMOTIONS. Achieving your potential can feel insurmountable when you don't know what you are supposed to do. LEARN MORE... »
I had no idea how much my need to be secure was keeping me from experiencing life. Knowing this has given me the courage to start a new career."