Stop being at the mercy of your unconscious impulses, emotions and habits of mind. Understand the innate needs that drive your behaviour.
SSPS™ Products
SSPS™ Products
More than just an assessment, the SSPS is a neuro-psychological approach for achieving potential that includes a comprehensive Developmental Framework based on your own brain’s organization. With the Striving Styles and its products, you can stop looking outside of yourself for answers that can only be answered from within.
First step is to take the assessment and discover your Striving Style. Then, purchase SSPS products to learn how to self-actualize based on your Style in all aspects of your life.

The first step towards realizing your potential and becoming who you are meant to be. Get powerful insight into what quadrant of your brain dominates, how emotions influence your bonding with others, the needs that must be met for you to feel psychologically secure, as well as how you behave or others perceive you to behave.
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Put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life with your own personal user manual! A critical resource for anyone wanting to understand what drives their behavior and how to self-actualize to become who they are meant to be.
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Think its too hard to do anything about your life, your relationships, your career or your kids? Don’t know where to start? Let the Striving Styles makes it easy with resources that give you the insight you need and the roadmap for getting there!
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Take your learning and development programs to the next level with Striving Styles reports that build leadership and employee effectiveness as well as maximize learning in any setting.
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This book blends new brain science with a century old personality system to show you why most people live in survival using behaviors, thinking patterns and beliefs that keep them there. It introduces the Striving Styles Personality System and shows people how to become who they are meant to be.
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We are bridging the gap between the Striving Styles Personality System and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator with our Maximizing Your Potential Book Series.
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