Not just an assessment! The SSPS™ is a step-by-step process to move from self-protection towards self-actualization and being who you are meant to be.
Interpretation Sessions
Interpretation Sessions
Gain insight into your Striving Style with an Individual Interpretation Session with a SSPS Practitioner. Awareness of your predominant need and an understanding of how you behave when it is not being met, are the keys to making different behavioral choices and changes in your life.
Conducted via telephone, the Interpretation Session allows you to further explore your Striving Style and how it impacts your behavior. It will provide you with insight into the conditioned emotional responses of your Striving Style and how they can get in the way of your development.
Based on your priorities, the SSPS Practitioner will help you learn how to use your results to build self-awareness and support your personal development, and will offer suggestions on how you can proceed with your Roadmap for Development following the session.
Move from “Knowing” to “Doing”
Building on the information in your Level I Assessment Report as well as the General Report for your Striving Style, this session helps you to make the connection between what is currently happening in your life and the role your Striving Style and Striving Style Squad play in it.
Each Interpretation Session begins with identifying your objectives, or the area of your life you would like to focus on during the session -- for example, relationships, career, etc. The SSPS Practictioner will provide you with an overview of the Striving Styles, and then explore with you the impact of your Striving Style’s key behaviors and how they affect your communication, relationships and work.
Become Who You Are Meant to Be
Given your results and current experiences, the SSPS Practitioner will help you to identify whether you are self-actualizing or self-protecting out of your Striving Style, and they will give you insight into the barriers that are preventing your development. They will discuss the part of the brain you need to focus on developing, as well as strategies for development.

Have an interpretation session from the privacy of your home or office with a SSPS Licensed Practitioner. Find out what's getting in the way of becoming who you are meant to be.

Book a joint interpretation session with your spouse (or anyone) focused on understanding your relationship dynamics based on your Striving Styles.