What is Your Romance Style?


What is Your Romance Style?

Building self awareness leads to greater satisfaction in romance and in life. One of the first steps you can take to build self awareness is to get to know your Striving Style™ and have a consultation with us to interpret your results and what it means to you.

With Valentine’s day coming up, do you start to focus on what you are going to do to celebrate our love for partner? Do you rant about the commercialism of the day and swear to ignore it?  Do you dream of being swept off your feet by your lover?  Your answers to these questions may be indicators of your Romance Style.

Romance Styles are based on your Striving Style – how your personality naturally organizes itself to get your dominant need met. So whether your need is to be in control; to be recognized; or to be spontaneous; you will seek to meet it in everything you do. This means that you will approach Valentine’s Day in a way that will get your dominant need met. (Don’t know your Striving Style? Click here to take the Striving Styles Personality Assessment.)

Romance is a tricky one for most people regardless of the Style because the expression of intimate feelings and putting them into gestures and actions is enough to take anyone out of their comfort zone. We don’t bring our children up to be romantic adults anymore and then we wonder why there is so much cynicism around Valentine’s Day. We are no longer comfortable writing poems to express our feelings. When was the last time anyone you knew actually wrote a love letter? We are over dependent on Hallmark and ecards to do the expressing for us. Then we blame them for the commercialism of Valentine’s Day. Ironic isn’t it.

When Valentine’s Day comes around you generally hear couples saying to each other “So what do you want to do for Valentine’s?“ to which their partner answers “I don’t know, what do you want to do?” Then more time passes and the same conversation happens again. Does this sound familiar? Most people don’t know what they want or need and end up just going along with the traditional ritual of buying cards, flowers and having dinner out with everyone else who is just going through the motions because they don’t take enough time to be aware of what they actually need.

Building self awareness leads to greater satisfaction in romance and in life. One of the first steps you can take to build self awareness is to get to know your Striving Style and have a consultation with us to interpret your results and what it means to you. It is really important that we know our need, so that we can communicate it to our partner. It is not good enough to leave it to them and then be disappointed when they don’t do it right. Arguing and fighting often take the place of passion and celebration of love when unspoken expectations and desires lead to disappointment.

What you learn about yourself when you do the Striving Styles Personality Assessment and read the report on your Striving Style gives you the opportunity to direct yourself in work, in life and in love. You can then create an action plan to pursue getting your needs met in your relationships, career and life in general.

Want your relationships to be more fulfilling? Want to know more about your Relationship Style and that of your partner? Watch tomorrow for the Romance Style of the Leader.


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