Just One More Party To Go To - The Socializer Holiday Style


Just One More Party To Go To - The Socializer Holiday Style

Socializers are often the life of the party, have excellent social skills and a quick sense of humor. These warm-hearted, extraverted, relationship oriented people place great importance on getting together and socializing with others. Socializers work hard at making any occasion a lively one, even if it only involves two people. It is easy to see why Socializers enjoy the holiday season and are at their best when they can mix and mingle with their large network of friends, coworkers and family.

Because of their gregarious and outgoing nature, Socializers inject energy and enthusiasm to whatever situation they are in. Often lively and entertaining, they take great pleasure and personal satisfaction from generating good feelings in other people and in themselves. They are quick to give complements and seek the positive in people, making others appreciate and enjoy having them around. However, they have to take care not to work so hard at being entertaining that they leave no room for their companions to speak.

Because they tend to be popular, gregarious and outgoing, invitations pour in. They hate saying no to invitations and often find that they have little time to themselves during the holidays. They hate the thought of rejecting others as they are sensitive to indifference themselves, and so they just say yes to everyone, despite the cost to themselves.

Socializers can be slaves to appearance and are very concerned about what people think. As a result, they often overspend during the holidays. They would never think to show up without an expensive bottle of wine, a new outfit or just the right gift for someone. They seek social status through the grand gesture despite what it may cost them in the New Year. They feel compelled to do it. The combination of expending too much energy socializing and too much money on gifts and too much attention on what others need can lead them to become overwhelmed.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the story of Barb, a Socializer who couldn’t stop giving …..


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