Testimonials & Media Coverage: Who Are You Meant To Be? Book

Testimonials & Media Coverage: Who Are You Meant To Be? Book

'It has reinforced the importance of following my instincts, and has helped me both personally & professionally'- LES STROUD


Janet Graham, Author Babes on Bay

"Who Are You Meant to Be? and Striving Styles are better than the MBTI."


Order your copy today! Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Barnes & Noble | Books a Million | Indie Bound | Indigo


The HR Director: A Groundbreaking Step-by-Step Process for Discovering and Fulfilling Your True Potential

“We became aware of a gaping hole in modern approaches to development of the personality...[the need] to bring emotions, brain physiology, development and brain specialization into the equation."  Dranitsaris and Dranitsaris-Hilliard          MORE...


LONGWOODS.COM: Living Your True Potential, Using the Science of Personality

Mother Daughter Team Introduce New Personality Assessment, 70 Years after Myers & Myers-Briggs

Living life on purpose means that we have to meet the primary need of our personality. It’s only when we meet that need that we feel secure and can strive to achieve our potential. But too often we are just surviving, unaware of what we want out of life, and so our needs go unmet.          MORE...


NEWZ4U.NET: Who Are You Meant to Be? a Guide for True Potential

KJ Mullins-Toronto: What does brain science have to do with achieving the most out of life? Anne Dranitsaris Ph.D and Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard combine brain science and personality styles in their new book 'Who Are You Meant to Be?' so that readers can learn how to have a more meaningful life.          MORE...


Order your copy today! Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Barnes & Noble | Books a Million | Indie Bound | Indigo

Janet Graham speaks about Who Are You Meant To Be

Janet Graham, Author of Babes on Bay, speaks about the Striving Styles at the launch party for Who Are You Meant To Be? Hear her presentation...

Les Stroud speaks about Who Arer You Meant to Be?

Les Stroud, 'Survivor Man' & Musician, speaks about the Striving Styles at the launch party for Who Are You Meant To Be?

Zoe Cleland speaks about Who Are You Meant to Be?

Zoe Cleland, actor, speaks about the Striving Styles at the launch party for Who Are You Meant To Be?

I am excited to share that our book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on…
12 years 24 weeks ago -
I am excited to share that my book, Who Are You Meant to Be; A Revolutionary Approach to Achieving Your True Potential will be featured on …
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Striving Styles Newsletter October 2012 http://t.co/76xbzx2o via #constantcontact
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Bridging the Rational- Emotional Gap by @AnneDranitsaris on @slideshare http://t.co/cbtC1tdi
12 years 24 weeks ago -
Using the Striving Styles can improve your relationships. https://t.co/kbVPqpgh
12 years 25 weeks ago -