Workplace Stress and Striving Styles


Workplace Stress and Striving Styles

When we use the behaviors, functions and attitudes that are natural for our Striving Style, it increases our energy, we grow, develop, and are rewarded without undue duress or stress. When we are forced to adapt to workplace norms, it creates both emotional and physiological stress leading to changes in behaviour and energy levels.

When employees have to work in environments where they are unable to utilize their preferred Striving Style or are encouraged to act in ways that are contrary to their natural functioning, it will increase the amount of stress they experience and force them to work in their stress style. It can also negatively impact a person’s ability to trust his or her decision-making process, or to differentiate and attend to important information in his or her life. This excessive stress ultimately leads to reduced self-confidence, self-esteem, and anxiety.

When we invest our minds in activities and tasks that our brain can manage from its area of superior efficiency, we obtain an abundance of energy, mental alertness, and inner balance. When this does not occur, the brain is forced to spend large amounts of time functioning from areas requiring significantly greater expenditures of energy. The result is that the brain and brain-body system experience stress, chronic anxiety, and exhaustion. Through the use of the Striving Styles Personality System, you can increase your understanding what your employee’s style is and what they need to function optimally, increasing productivity and reducing workplace and employee stress.


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