Stop being at the mercy of your unconscious impulses, emotions and habits of mind. Understand the innate needs that drive your behaviour.
Who Are You Meant to Be? Workbook
Who Are You Meant to Be? Workbook
Chart a course for increasing satisfaction in your life and fulfilling your true potential based on the Striving Styles Personality System's Roadmap for Development.
This workbook has been created to help readers of Who Are You Meant to Be? to complete the exercises and activities set out in Part III of the book: Becoming Your Best Self. It provides you with additional space to record information about your Predominant Style, the extent to which your predominant need is being met as well as your plans and actions to shift from self-protection to self-actualizing. It follows along with the instructions set out in Chapters 13 & 14 of the book.
Download the Workbook:

Complete the exercises from Part III of Who Are You Meant To Be? in this easy to use format.
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